Thursday, March 10, 2011

Avoiding Scene Zombiedom and Hello, Blogoshpere!

Good heavens, I am never going to get this off the ground. As a rather ADD person with a short attention-span and a busy work-schedual, I am somewhat skeptical about my ability to keep this thing going, but we'll give it a shot.

Ah, individuality. It is so desperately sought after by so many ('specially in the alternative scene), but it is so hard to achieve. If you're a goth, you're obviously seeking Individuality of some sort. You like to call yourself alternative, don't you? You counter-culture thing, you! But if you're a goth, society is going to lump you in with the other goths. It's what society does, and who can blame it? You wear black and probably a lot of eyeliner, and so does just about every other goth. So rather than being your individualistic self, you are...*gasp*...Part of a Group. OH NOES!

Not to worry. No matter how hard we try, we'll never be 100% original with our ideas and tastes. There will always be people who like the same things you do and hate the same things you hate, no matter how obscure, random, or bizarre your tastes are. If that weren't the case, we'd be terribly lonely. That's another reason you consider yourself part of the group in the first place.

The key to being an individual within a subculture like the goth scene is to just continue to follow your own tastes and have fun with it. When out shopping, always ask yourself, "do I really, really love this, or am I just buying it because it's black and lookes like something Lady B'loody AngstRaven would wear?" As long as you know that you're buying for you, and not for the scene, you have no worries about becoming a black-clad zombie cult-member who worships at the alter of Peter Murphy's Cheekbones with Everybody Else. Individuality is all about what liking what you like, despite its popularity (or lack thereof). You like it because YOU LIKE IT. Somebody else may like it, too, but there's nothing wrong with that. As long as you make it look good, you too can wear your Crow makeup to the club and dance your fanny off. (OK, extreme example. Seriously, though, I don't reccomend the Crow makeup thing. If it truly floats your boat, then fine, but I still wouldn't.)

Brandon Lee is Not Impressed

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